The project 122801 Screen world
I was deeply impacted by the attacks on the World Trade Centre. I have always felt rather close to the Towers since I had been there frequently, even when the towers were in construction. Since very young I always understood that it was a place of enriching multicultural encounters. Perhaps that is why the idea of a huge terrestrial globe was what my mind identified as WTC.
The sphere is a perfect object, with an exact dual symmetry and perpetual equilibrium. Then there is also the rectangle, a figure made by man, represented by the Minoru Yamasaki towers.
This Project has its roots in these concepts that have been a part of me these last 10 years.
I was first motivated to present my project to Memorial Competition by some close friends of mine that later formed my team.
I’d like to first and above all thank my wife, Cristina Danguillecourt, for her unconditional support in everything, and for her understanding and helping me understand the outside world.
I am also profoundly grateful to my friend and architect Chu Novoa who confirmed that my Project was, architecturally speaking, possible.
My sincere appreciation to Luis Nieto, an essential colleague and tireless documentalist. A personal thank you to my dear friend Mariano Bautista, whose advice as lawyer and consultant have been enormously enriching.
My deepest appreciation to Rafael Rubio, Aldo Bahamonde.
Finally, special thanks to Alejandro Bahamondes for his tremendous capacity to visualize and understand the significance of this Project.
Thank you.
May God bless you all.
Javier Bacariza